A blue light first appeared from behind a mountain, and created a giant spiral in the sky within seconds. Perhaps even more baffling, a green-blue beam of light appeared to shoot from the center. The entire display remained in the sky for a good ten to twelve minutes--enough time for photographers across Norway to shoot hundreds of images and capture video:
Universe Today raises the possibility that the spiraling pattern represents a tumbling rocket stage spewing fuel. But Russia denied having conducted missile tests in the area.
It's also worth noting that a similar phenomenon apparently appeared over China back in April 2009:
We're still betting on some rocket test gone awry, or else a really far-out art display by a guerilla artiste with a penchant for science. Inter-dimensional research or the beginning stages of an alien invasion remain farther down the probability list.
Check out more photos of the phenomenon here
[via The Daily Mail, Universe Today and Norwegian Meteorological Institute]
Looks like a worm hole but its problem just a Russian missile/Rocket out of control. The Chinese’s one defiantly looks like an out of control missile/rocket. Still would be pretty cool if it was a worm hole. Lol
Come on you losers look closely it is obviously being projected onto clouds