In a month hardly lacking in choices, the Grouse unveils his picks for the pits
When SanDisk teamed with the backwards-thinking music industry late last year to announce the slotMusic initiative, it sounded like an Onion headline. In the year 2009, someone is going to sell prepackaged, individual music albums on SD cards with cover art, liner notes and everything? In this age of the iTunes wireless store, a company actually believes that consumers want to purchase and carry around a new form of locked, physical media? But, this wasn’t a practical joke and at CES SanDisk debuted a $99 portable slotMusic player and some new slotRadio cards, which are basically 1,000-song, genre-specific mix tapes. Sharp even got into the action by announcing the first third-party slotMusic-compatible home stereos. Why?
Looking to capture that market of the three or four dudes who buy DVD-A discs, Pioneer announced at CES the creation of a new and still unnamed audio-only format for Blu-ray players. The new format is described as “2-channel high resolution digital” and is geared for home use where the need for compression is less of an issue. Unfortunately for the fledgling format, even Pioneer stops short of calling it an improvement on existing technology (the LP), saying only that the new format “rivals 2-channel analog sound.” Unless it’s superior, why bother?