The Full Cost of Being a Stylish Guitar Hero

Impressive Logitech Guitar Hero ?instruments? ship with an equally impressive cost

It?s hard to avoid the gaming sensation of titles such as Guitar Hero and Rock Band. What started out as an arcade sensation inevitably made its way into homes and has turned over quite the tidy profit in its specific flavour of gaming; and understandably so. The pick-up-and-play style of the titles, addictive multiplayer and replayability by way of extended track downloads makes it easy to understand the respective franchises? success.

While purchasing the Guitar Hero bundle with all the appropriate ?instruments? can set you back quite the pretty penny in itself, Logitech has seen fit to release a high-priced range of instruments to make you feel like more of a rock star. According to Gizmodo, you?ll be needing to fork out a bit of extra coin to get your hands on the premium Logitech range of Guitar Hero equipment.

The individual instruments are priced at $399.95RRP a pop, which means you?ll be required to spend more on a single piece of equipment than on a Guitar Hero 5 bundle. We had a play with the Logitech guitar recently and it certainly weighs and feels like the real thing, but the price point is still seems a wee bit too steep for a glorified controller. For those who are still interested, the PS3 version is currently available, with the Xbox 360 version scheduled to hit later this month, while the Wii is being catered for in late November.

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