How to Make a 5 Minute Project

A step-by-step guide to getting YOUR projects on

How to Make a 5 Minute Project :

Submit a 5 Minute Project for Popular Science! Each month we feature a cool and handy new project, and we're excited to showcase some ideas from the inventive community, and our own.

Sometimes the most basic projects are the most ingenious. So we're looking for projects that are simple, useful, and (of course) quick. The subject and materials are wide-open: it can be anything with a science, technology or productivity element to it, from DIY iPod docks to a level made from a laser pointer.

Here are a few examples from past issues to give you an idea about what works:
- Noise-canceling earbuds
- Musical cash stash
- Greenhouse made from CD cases

Things to keep in mind before you begin:
Make sure the project truly takes about five minutes to do. Three minutes is fine, seven minutes is OK, but anything considerably longer doesn't qualify. Also be sure that anyone can complete the project in that time, not just someone who is already very familiar with how it's done.

A perfect 5-Minute Project looks much like a good, well-documented Instructable. Be sure to read over How to Make a Great Instructable for basics and formatting tips.

The project needs to be visual, so no software tricks or other projects that can't be easily shown with a few photos on a magazine page.

Do not submit any project that could cause an injury or has any other potential safety risks, or that may be illegal in any way.

Try to keep your project as cost-effective and eco-friendly as possible.

Don't forget to join the Popsci 5-Minute Projects group! Just add your completed Instructable to the group, and we'll check it out.

See how it's done, in 5 easy steps, here.


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