Kelsey D. Atherton
at 11:06 AM Mar 17 2016
Robots // 

We're deep into election season in America, and despite the feeling that the 2016 campaign began at the dawn of time, there are still 236 days left before the election actually happens. As good, concerned citizens, invested in the fate of democracy, there are a lot of good, productive things we can do, like show people how to register to vote or fact-check candidates' science claims. It's also important to avoid doing something unproductive, like spending all day arguing about politics online in comments sections. To skip that last part, maker Simone Giertz created a robot that argues online for her:

at 08:07 AM Feb 3 2015

The legal landscape for marijuana in the US has never looked this relaxed. Alaska, Oregon, and Washington, D.C. voted during the recent election season to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. Other states reduced the punishments for possessing small amounts of the drug, a move the American Academy of Pediatrics just endorsed. According to polls, more Americans than ever support legalizing Cannabis.

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