New Eaglet Hatches To Most Patriotic Bald Eagle Parents Ever
Lindsey Kratochwill
at 09:56 AM Mar 21 2016
Oh. We thought it would be... cuter
2016 American Eagle Foundation, EAGLES.ORG
Nature // 

Two bald eagles, appropriately named "First Lady" and "Mr. President" have been warming a nest in Washington, D.C., since early February. And because it is the year 2016 and privacy is becoming ever more elusive in this world, there is a livestream of the nest you can watch at any time.

First Lady laid her first egg on February 10, and the second on February 14. The hatching process for this first egg began on Wednesday, and the eaglet fully emerged this morning after a raw fish breakfast to a wide audience of viewers.

2016 American Eagle Foundation, EAGLES.ORG
Hey there little eaglet!

The pair raised one eaglet in 2015, and so this year, two high-definition cameras were trained on the nest, which is in a tulip poplar tree in the U.S. National Arboretum. Eagles have been nesting there since 1947, according to the American Eagle Foundation, which partnered with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to host the livestream.

Now, eagle gawkers must impatiently wait to see how the new little eaglet fares, and when its eaglet sibling will hatch. Just be aware that watching wild animals sometimes comes with the horrors of nature.

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