Homemade Foot Pedals Ideal For Giving Your Gaming An Edge
Nick Gilbert
at 11:23 AM Mar 5 2012
The Teensy based board uses reed switches to create the signal connections
Soonermandan, Imgur

We don't know about you, but sometimes gaming, particularly on the PC, can require the use of more fingers than you have on your hand if you want to play effectively. Cars got around this problem long ago by introducing pedals for acceleration and braking instead of simply buttons or levers, and there do exist plastic pedals you can buy for gaming purposes, but one guy has decided to just go and do it himself, applying that logic to first person shooters and making a homemade set of USB footpedals. Specifically so he can play Battlefield 3.

You can grab the code and a few more details on the project from the Reddit thread over here, but the short of it is that the wooden board and pedals rely on the Teensy USB microcontroller system, allowing him to fully customise the command system. For the purposes of Battlefield 3, he mapped each of the three pedals on the board to sprint, crouch and prone (lie down) respectively.

The actual board hardware uses reed switches, which work via applied magnetic fields, instead of simply using a mechanical apparatus. According to the creator, soonermandan on Reddit, there's no perceivable input lag between the pedals and your PC.

We want to see someone give something like this a whirl on WoW. If nothing else, it might just give your legs a workout while ploughing through a four hour raid.

[Reddit, via Make]

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