Another Use for RFID: Home-made Office Door Scanner
Nick Gilbert
at 14:14 PM Feb 21 2012
MIT Media Lab/Vimeo
Hacks // 

While we're all sitting around waiting for RFID tech to really take off at the consumer level, people here and there are dabbling in different ways to make use of that kind of technology. For instance, have you ever thought about making your own card scanner to unlock your office, or even bedroom, door?

office door hack from Valentin Heun on Vimeo.

Now, of course, most corporate set ups already use scanning technologies to make buildings secure, but the beauty of this particular hack, by Valentin Heun from MIT's Media Lab, is that it shows it's possible to jerry rig an RFID-like set up onto an existing door and ID card, instead of having to build it in from scratch.

RFID has plenty of uses, from using your phone to make quick credit card payments all the way up to making you pay to charge your gadgets.

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