Images of the Week, February 5-10
Dan Nosowitz
at 13:54 PM Feb 13 2012

There are lots of amazing images in this week's roundup; there's the likely discovery of a massive former ocean on Mars, there's a purple squirrel, there's an entire library of LEGO pieces, and lots more.

  • Cloud Tsunami

    This image, from Panama Beach, Florida, depicts fog creeping up from the beach and over the buildings on the shoreline. This sort of phenomena occurs when cool air is almost at its saturation point - the amount of water vapour that can be held in the air itself. If the air temperature drops, or more water vapour enters the air, clouds are produced. 

  • Music For Your Eyes

    Artist Martin Klimas created this spectacular photo by covering a speaker with strong fabric and artfully arranging a palette of colours upon the cover. When the volume is blasted, the paint jumps into the air and Klimas snaps his photograph. 

  • Sticky Horses

    The purpose of the zebra's striped coat is a deep mystery to biologists. But according to a new study, they evolved that way to confuse and keep away a certain type of blood-sucking fly. The test involved life-sized sticky horse-models, pictured here. 

  • Ancient Cluster

    This deep sky object, known as NGC 6572, is over 10 billion years old - one of the most ancient collection of stars ever seen. In fact, it's more than twice as old as our own solar system. The cluster is over 13 thousand light years away. 

  • LEGO Library

    The PopSci offices are pretty cool; there are usually robots and all kinds of gadgets around to play with. But the LEGO offices look amazing, and we've been in a LEGO-friendly mood ever since our own Corinne Iozzio began her LEGO master training. This appears to be some sort of library of LEGO pieces - with the different variations stuck on the ends of the aisles. 

  • Get the Ball!

    Seth Casteel's photographs of underwater dogs are amazing. I don't even like dogs, really, but look at how happy and determined they are! I hope they get that ball they're so excited about. 

  • Purple Squirrel

    In a small town in Pennsylvania, a couple found a purple squirrel. A weather website, of all places, found the story, and is investigating to their full abilities. Theories abound on what made this squirrel purple - some believe it's a genetic variation and the squirrel was born purple, while others think it's gotten into some purple ink or fallen into a portable toilet.

  • A Fat DeLorean

    The new Tesla Model X is a crossover, based on the same platform as the Model S, which is not out yet. It'll be a plug-in electric vehicle, and yeah, it has gullwing doors. 

  • Martian Ocean

    Says the ESA: "New results from the MARSIS radar on Mars Express give strong evidence for a former ocean of Mars." It'd be a massive ocean, covering a major part of the northern hemisphere of the planet.

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