Steve Jobs Takes Aim At Flash

Steve Jobs has posted a 1,676-word manifesto on his blogto express his feelings on Flash, the Adobe software that is used by many websites such as YouTube to display online video. In it, Jobs discusses five principle areas where he feels Flash is limited, or at least where his critics are wrong about it: The fact that Flash is not as “open” as the public perceives, that Flash should not be the predominant form of video on the web, security issues with Flash, the drain on battery life and, finally, the fact that Flash was originally designed with a computer mouse in mind.

The blog post follows criticism that has been directed at the iPhone and iPad for operating on a closed system and not supporting the Flash video format. Although YouTube runs on Flash, an app had to be specially designed for the iPhone and iPad before that could happen. Try running the Flash-based videos on sites such as Vimeo and College Humor, and you’ll see why some consumers are upset.

This is the latest development in an openly hostile relationship between Apple and Adobe. In a blog post in early April, Adobe’s ‘platform evangelist’, Lee Brimelow, said “Go screw yoursel, Apple”.

Check out Jobs’ blog post at this link. — Kevin Cheung

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