Kelsey D. Atherton
at 16:23 PM Feb 8 2016

If this Northrop Grumman ad is any indication, we haven't seen the last of the piloted fighter jet. The defense giant is best known for its long line of flying wings, including the iconic B-2 Spirit stealth bomber and the yet-to-be-unveiled Long Range Strike Bomber. Their new 30-second clip doesn't show us any new details about that bomber, which remains under wraps in ads even after winning a major Air Force contract. Instead, it gives us a trio of arrow-head-shaped grey wedges, all stealthy jet fighters with room for human pilots on board.

Jeffrey Lin and P.W. Singer
at 09:37 AM Feb 5 2016

It is said that when it comes to war, as General Omar Bradley put it, "Amateurs talk Strategy, Professionals talk logistics" and it is capability that has set the US military apart from other rivals. But two new projects show how China's military is also rapidly building the logistical foundations for global expeditionary power. Both the Y-20 heavy transport aircraft and Type 901 replenishment ships have recently hit major milestones towards operational service.

Kelsey D. Atherton
at 10:14 AM Feb 4 2016

All 3D-printed guns are young guns. The weapon as a distinct category didn't exist before May 2013, when Defense Distributed's single-shot Liberator blasted them into existence. Before the Liberator, people printed parts and incorporated them into existing guns.

Jeffrey Lin and P.W. Singer
at 10:13 AM Feb 4 2016

Japan recently made news by showing off the X-2 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Advanced Technology Demonstrator - Experimental (ATD-X),a full-scale test model of a domestically designed fifth-generation fighter, unofficially called 'ShinShin.' But on Jan. 18, China demonstrated it is well past demonstrators. At the Chengdu Aircraft Corporation factory in Sichuan, China it began the test flights on "2101", the first production J-20 stealth fighter.

Kelsey D. Atherton
at 10:33 AM Feb 1 2016

The NSA was built to spy, with the uncomfortable question being “on whom?” The agency, long a background player in paranoid cinema like 1998's Enemy of the State, re-entered the public consciousness in 2013 in a big way with revelations from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden that the vast surveillance architecture of the NSA was spying on American citizens. Since then, there have been many more revelations from the documents Snowden lifted when he fled the agency and the country. The latest, explored in depth at The Intercept, is this: The NSA, as well as Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ, the NSA's British counterpart), covertly captured video images from Israeli drones. These images also publicly confirm a long-suspected truth, that Israel deployed armed drones.

Kelsey D. Atherton
at 08:57 AM Jan 29 2016

Next month, Japan is going to fly their latest fighter, and they're hoping no one notices. Well, not no one exactly, but as with every stealth fighter, the goal is a visual spectacle and a tiny radar blip. In the works for years, the Mitsubishi Advanced Technology Demonstrator-X, now renamed the X-2, is designed to fit into Japan's modernizing, staunchier military. Did we mention it's stealthy?

Kelsey D. Atherton
at 11:51 AM Jan 25 2016

Giant armored vehicles are hard to hide. When rolling forward, they're loud, lumbering hunks of metal, but with the dark of night and the engine turned off, they can gain some semblance of discretion, their listening metal hulls hiding from all but those either very alert or immediately nearby. This state, called “silent watch,” means the tank (or infantry fighting vehicle, or troop carrier) becomes a waiting body--its sensors run on low battery and scan the world around it, waiting until it's needed to power back on and drive forth.

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