Alexandra Ossola
at 08:27 AM Mar 6 2015

Surgeons at the California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC) in San Francisco have gotten pretty good at doing kidney transplants; they have done about 200 of them per year since 1968. But over the next two days, a team of five surgeons and over 60 support staff will complete a six-way kidney transplant, operating on 12 individuals: 6 donors and 6 recipients.

Lydia Ramsey
at 09:29 AM Mar 3 2015

When it comes to flying, one of the ways to become a better pilot is through flight simulations, but these can often feel unrealistic.

Loren Grush
at 07:14 AM Aug 27 2014

Doctors at Peking University Third Hospital have successfully implanted the first ever 3-D-printed section of vertebra into the young patient. The boy, named Minghao, had developed a malignant tumor on his spinal cord, and some of his bones needed to be removed. So, during many hours of spinal cord surgery, surgeons at the hospital replaced part of the cancerous vertebra in his neck with the implant.

Colin Lecher
at 07:31 AM May 13 2014

For eight years now, the DEKA prosthetic arm -- a DARPA-funded project aimed at improving the lives of amputees -- has been moving slowly toward FDA approval. Now, right on schedule, the mind-controlled, robotic prosthetic has been approved up by the Food and Drug Administration. 

Katie McDonough/
at 03:30 AM Aug 8 2013
Science // 

Since Nebraska first jump-started the trend back in 2010, close to a dozen state legislatures across the country have passed laws banning abortion at 20 weeks. Most of these restrictions are given grave-sounding titles like the "Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act," or some near-identical riff on the words "fetal," "pain" and "protection." All of them, no matter what they're called, rest on the stated premise that a fetus can experience pain at 20 weeks, and that this is a sufficient justification to ban all abortions after this gestational stage.

Francie Diep
at 23:00 PM Jun 13 2013
Science // 

Plenty of research has examined how getting an abortion affects women's mental health. (In short, it doesn't, though individual circumstances vary enough that universal statements about women's reactions can be misleading.)

Shaunacy Ferro
at 06:00 AM Jan 26 2013
Robots // 

Robots are taking over the world. Robo-nurses have been around for a while, but in the quest to make healthcare more efficient, another medical robot could soon be coming to a hospital near you.

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