Check Out The First Trailer For Neil deGrasse Tyson's 'Cosmos'
Colin Lecher
at 07:30 AM Jul 23 2013
Science // 

It's awesome on its own that Neil deGrasse Tyson is hosting a new mini-series. It's doubly awesome that the astrophysicist/science educator/Jon Stewart-corrector is hosting the next generation of Carl Sagan's beloved 13-part science series, Cosmos: A Personal Voyage.

Now the trailer for deGrasse Tyson's (also 13-part) Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey just premiered at Comic-Con, and we can say: it looks pretty neat! There's Sagan's voice, then deGrasse Tyson takes over for him (SYMBOLISM), and there's a levitating baby and a spaceship and some explosions and other stuff. Check it out!

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