Japanese Projector Displays Smooth Video On A Wriggling, Dancing Surface
Kelsey D. Atherton
at 10:39 AM Oct 21 2016
Dynamic Projection Mapping
Screenshot by author, from YouTube
Gadgets // 

The right shirt is a statement about the shirt-wearer, and about the shirt-wearer's place in the world. Perhaps it's the subtle tone of the fabric, the closeness of the cut, or the way an animated rabbit spins in circles while the wearer dances, that suggests most clearly “this is a shirt of the future.”


Developed by the University of Tokyo's Ishikawa Watanabe Laboratory, the shirt is marked with infrared ink, and then the projection system sees the object and maps onto the deformed surface, even as a person moves. With multiple markers placed on different surfaces, the projection system can remember to put the right picture on each surface, even as they move about.

The idea is that in the future, such dynamic images projected onto moving, deformed surfaces could be new user interfaces, or just new fashion.

Watch it below:

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