Grennan Milliken
at 10:49 AM Sep 18 2015
Nature // 

Polar bears are often used as the face of climate change and the melting of the Arctic. They have long been cast as one of the first large, familiar species to possibly go extinct because of a changing climate. As the spring and summer sea ice continues to retreat further and for longer periods of time, bears are losing access to their main source of food--ringed seals--and are starting to starve.

Kelsey D. Atherton
at 12:04 PM Jul 26 2014
Nature // 

Polar bears are the largest land predators in the world. Confined to arctic climes, they are huge, powerful swimmers, and deadly hunters. In addition to being the second-best bear, they risk going extinct from global warming's environmental changes. Thanks to an offering by a luxury cruise line, customers can take a cruise through the newly navigable arctic, and try to see polar bears struggling to stay alive on what remains of Arctic ice. 

Jennifer Bogo
at 22:00 PM Feb 27 2014
Science // 

Two hundred yards from the Churchill Airport in Manitoba, Canada, John Gunter pulls the van to the side of the road. 'There’s one,' he says, pointing across the snow-speckled tundra to a small white smudge, purportedly ambling along a line of willows. I squint my eyes and think I see it, but to be honest I’m not totally sure. Aren’t polar bears supposed to be… bigger?

Dan Nosowitz
at 04:30 AM Mar 21 2013
Science // 

Led by researchers at the University of Alberta, a new study in the Journal of Animal Ecology from the British Ecological Society finds that lately, due to climate change, it's only the fattest polar bears that survive the year.

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