Video: Electronic Frontiers Australia demonstrates how easy the internet content filter will be to bypass

For those in the technological know (and many other Australians for that matter) there has been a particular bee in their collective bonnet for some time: the worrying belief that Australia’s proposed internet content filter (championed by Senator Stephen Conroy, pictured) is a massive waste of time and money. Despite vocal criticisms from several prominent and technologically knowledgeable folk (not to mention a lot of members of the general public), it seems that the internet content filter is very much still destined to be applied to Australia’s internet capacity.

Colin Jacobs from Electronic Frontiers Australia , a website dedicated to informing Australians about the potential negatives of the proposed internet content filter, has released a short video that demonstrates five practical ways to circumvent the filter.

While some steps are more complex than others, the final two are extremely easy and, should they prove to be workable circumvention methods, serve to further highlight how such examples of bypassing could be employed by the very group the proposed internet content filter is seeking to protect: children. Check out the video below.

[via Gizmodo]

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