November 2009 Issue: Astronaut 3.0


Inside Astronaut Boot Camp
What does it take to prep humans for a trip to an asteroid or a martian moon? Starvation? Isolation? Recycling feces for food? NASA’s newest astronauts begin a grueling training regimen this fall to find out
By Dawn Stover

PopSci’s Brilliant 10
Meet ten young geniuses shaking up science today. They’re helping to keep us healthy, prevent disasters, and make green energy cheaper than coal. Lucky for us, our future is in their capable hands

Personal Chemistry
Every day we’re exposed to thousands of man-made chemicals, some of which seep into our bodies and remain there for decades. What that means for our health, we don’t fully understand-but I subjected myself to a battery of new tests in search of answers. By Arianne Cohen

Green Dream: Custom-Made Aluminum Windows Save Money and Energy

The build continues, plus four green doors and windows to retrofit your own home


Will a Shortage of Nuclear Isotopes Mean Less Effective Medical Tests?

Earthquake-Proof Skyscrapers Hide From Seismic Waves

The LHC’s Restart Checklist

It’s About Time: A Power Line That Sheds Heavy Ice

A Material Based on Sharkskin Stops Bacterial Breakouts

The Martian Torture Chamber

What’s New

The First Snowmobile With Air Shocks Goes Farther, Faster

What a Leaner, Greener General Motors Will Look Like
Fully Loaded: The Ultimate Backyard Observatory for Stargazers
The Washing Machine That Swaps Water For Dirt-Busting Plastic Pellets

How 2.0

You Built What?! A Real-Life Version of Lunar Lander

How I Built a DIY Kindle
Gray Matter: An Elemental Recipe For Creating Great Showers of Sparks
Ask a Geek: How Do I Pick A Company To Host My Website?


Could a Human Beat a T. Rex in Arm Wrestling?
What Would Happen if I Ate a Teaspoonful of White Dwarf Star?


Thinking Cap
Fowl Line

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