PopSci Installs Windows 7 RC 1

Our computer doesn?t blow up. Is this really a Microsoft product?

That?s right, Popular Science has installed Windows 7 RC1 to give it a good rundown. Even better, we installed it with no issues what so ever. To give it a really good work out the new operating system from Microsoft has been installed on two computers. A lovely new Dell Adamo laptop with more style than substance (is there anything wrong with that?) and an Altech NRG gaming PC with more substance than style (although it is still stylish with its blue flashing lights).

So far we haven?t done a huge amount of testing, just installation and a quick run through. The great news is that installation is simple, even on a laptop with no optical drive. It takes all of about 30 minutes and you?re done. It is a lot easier if you have a copy of Windows Vista already installed on your computer though.

In terms of speed and stability, so far so good. Both computers are running the operating system without any lag or troubles, and there have been no driver issues or software glitches yet either. In fact, glitches we had with Vista on the NRG PC have vanished with Windows 7.

What we have noticed so far is that the Windows Vista rating, which was out of 5.9, is now a Windows 7 rating out of 7.9. Once we have tested it further we will do a full review. If you have installed Windows 7 and have any insights, let us know in the comments.

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