Moving reveals some of the stranger things I've acquired over the years

Automatic Numbering Machine This is the head of a mechanical numbering machine. The ratchet pawl pictured advances the numbers with each stomp on the foot pedal. The machinery also re-inks the stamps, rotates the ink pad to fresh ink, and performs the actual stamping with each cycle. The whole thing is really, really neat. I'm saving it - one day I want to number a limited edition series of something with it. Vin Marshall

I needed a forklift when I moved my shop last month.(Of course, everyone just needs a forklift, period.) Besides the stock of steel, the heavy machines and tables, and all of the normal stuff, there's just a lot of, well, Other Stuff, and a lot of it is really heavy. Much of it I keep because I'm planning to use it in some future project. Some of it is here because I just haven't gotten around to getting rid of it yet. And some of it is even photogenic. Here's a collection of my once and future useful stuff.


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