Best of What's New 2009

Lunt Solar Systems LS60T/Ha/PT Pressure-Tuned Solar Telescope

A better view of the sun

Recreation 3 of 10
Lunt Solar Systems LS60T/Ha/PT Pressure-Tuned Solar Telescope Dan Saelinger

Studying the surface of the sun through a telescope requires backyard astronomers to use heavy-duty filters to avoid melted eyeballs. Lunt’s telescope is the first solar scope that uses air pressure to tune the etalon, the filter that safely reveals the most surface details, like solar flares and prominences. (Typical solar telescopes tilt the etalon, which distorts those details.) With the company’s Doppler True Tuning technology, you turn a piston, increasing the pressure inside its sealed air chamber and the etalon housing contained within it. This alters the way light refracts as it passes through the etalon, resulting in sharp focus and a stunning 3-D effect.
From $1,500;



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