Think You Can Land an A320 on the Hudson River?

A new online game lets you become the hero that saves the US Airways flight that crashed in the Hudson River in New York City

It was always going to happen. Seems now days that the second something dramatic or funny happens in the news an online game will appear just hours later. And just like clockwork, there is now an online game that relives the heroics of Captain Chesley Burnett “Sully” Sullenberger III.

As the pilot you must keep the plane level as it lands in order to keep the passengers alive and allow them to scramble to the safety of the wings when the Airbus is floating on the water. Using the left and right arrows keys, you maintain a level flight path while your plane flies past the scenic New York landscape with smoke billowing from its engines.

Land the plane properly and you?ll see an animated group of passengers climbing out of the plane on to the wing. Sadly though the game has been taken down at the moment but you could play it at Hopefully it will return soon.

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