Alexandra Ossola
at 09:01 AM Apr 13 2015

Even if you don't have allergies, you probably know some of their telltale signs. On the mild end, there's sneezing, red eyes, vomiting, upset stomach, itchy rashes, and hives. But reactions can be more severe, closing the throat and swelling the tongue, which can result in anaphylactic shock and even death. The triggers for these reactions are just as numerous, including insect stings, chemicals in foods like lactose or gluten, airborne particles like pollen or animal dander, or even a common material like wool or latex.

Staff Writers
at 05:54 AM Aug 20 2011
Science // 

A dog can accurately detect the early presence of lung cancer by sniffing patients' breath, doctors in Germany say. While researchers have known for some time that dogs can sniff out the telltale signs of other forms of cancer, this is the first study that proves dogs can reliably smell this particular kind.

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