Alexandra Ossola
at 09:37 AM Feb 5 2016
Fitness // 

It's hard to keep friends around when you reek, so most of us wear antiperspirant or deodorant to suppress that offensive natural musk. But those personal care products are changing the populations of bacteria that live in our armpits, according to a new study published this week in the journal PeerJ.

John Mahoney
at 05:57 AM Sep 17 2011
Cars // 

I'm a 28-year-old gadget nerd. Like many of my generation, I don't often read instruction manuals. In dealings with parents, relatives and older friends, I've often struggled to wrap my head around what it is about technology that so fundamentally baffles members of generations past. Is it a fear of experimentation with the unknown? How can something that feels imprinted on my DNA be so utterly foreign to someone else? It's a feeling shared by any son or daughter visiting home who, after a quick hug from mom and dad, is led unsubtly by the arm over to the computer desk: "Fix this. Please."

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