Kelsey D. Atherton
at 11:27 AM Feb 12 2016

A new study from the user interfaces group at Finland's Aalto University shows that, when it comes to typing, it's not the number of fingers used that determines speed, but how they're used. Doctoral candidate Anna Feit, together with Dr. Daryl Weir, put motion-capture dots on peoples' finger joints and had them type at a computer while high-speed cameras watched and recorded their movements.

Dan Nosowitz
at 06:56 AM Jul 26 2013
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Garbage can use varies. In Finland, where the Enevo One smart garbage can sensor was invented, the garbage cans near the sea are filled as quickly as they can be emptied during the summertime. Summertime in Finland is lovely, I bet! People hang out by the sea, fishermen and sailors do their fishing and sailing, and Finlanders of all sorts do things that result in garbage.

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