Lindsey Kratochwill
at 11:52 AM Jan 25 2016
Nature // 

A cheetah named Sarah, who lived at the Cincinnati Zoo in Ohio was euthanized this week at the age of 15. The Zoo says it was due to her “diminishing quality of life.” Indeed, Sarah was on the older side for captive cheetahs, who on average live to be 8 to 12 years old, according to the National Zoo.

Loren Grush
at 09:39 AM Sep 4 2014
Nature // 

One hundred years ago today, the scientific community mourned the passing of a very important bird. Her name was Martha (after George Washington’s wife), and she was the last known passenger pigeon to have existed.  She died in her cage at the Cincinnati Zoo in 1914, marking the end of the passenger pigeon species, Ectopistes migratorius.

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