FBI Moves To Postpone Apple Court Hearing
Dave Gershgorn
at 10:15 AM Mar 22 2016
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In a surprise move just hours after Apple's new product event, the FBI decided Monday night to postpone the court hearing scheduled for Tuesday.

Tuesday would have been the first day of hearings in the case levied against Apple by the FBI, in an attempt to gain access to one of the San Bernardino shooters' iPhones. Syed Farook, who owned the phone and was killed in the shooting, had an iPhone 5C, the last model to not benefit from Apple's recently-enhanced security features.

The court motion says that an outside party demonstrated a potential ability to give the FBI what information they wanted from the phone. Until the ascertain that information, the FBI wishes to hold off on the hearing.

Text from the FBI's motion to postpone the iPhone hearings.

However, this is just a motion by the FBI. There's still no word on whether the hearing will be postponed Tuesday, as per the federal government's wishes.

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