Here's What Apple Didn't Mention During Its WWDC Keynote
Dave Gershgorn
at 11:02 AM Jun 15 2016
Yay. Apple. Announcement. Sigh.
Gadgets // 

At one point during the WWDC keynote announcement today, a slide flashed showing a bunch of improvements Apple engineers made under the hood. Now, most of these didn't merit their own callouts during the keynote itself, but some are definitely worthy of attention. Luckily, Twitter user John Christensen grabbed a screenshot of the summary improvement slide.

Some of the most important ones we found are Live Photos editing, an improved bedtime alarm, and local suggestions in the Calendar app. Chinese app customers also got some new specific features, like an Air Quality Index and a definition dictionary for Traditional Chinese.

Apple also optimized how fast the camera launches, lets you avoid tolls in Maps, and improves its automatic enhancement of photos.


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