Sony’s new phone plays to the company’s strengths

Sony Ericsson Aino Sony Ericsson

Sony’s dream of creating a fully integrated multimedia experience at home and on the road has come closer to reality with the release of the Sony Ericsson Aino, a multimedia touchscreen phone that does a few things that might turn iPhone users green with envy.

The main highlight? It’ll synch up with your PlayStation 3, allowing users to access photos, music and video on the console and enjoy them where ever you take the Aino. It will also access PlayTV, the new attachment that turns PlayStation 3 into an intelligent PVR device to potentially rival TiVo for useability. The only thing we’re not sure of is whether or not it can be used as a remote control for the PlayStation 3 and PlayTV – we’re waiting for a test unit to come in to know for sure.

Here are a few other pertinent specs on the Aino:

  • 8.1 megapixel camera with 16x zoom and geotagging
  • Access NetFront Web Browser
  • Touchscreen media player
  • A-GPS, Bluetooth, DLNA, Google Maps, USB, PictBridge and Wi-Fi compatible
  • 3-inch screen with wireless stereo headphones


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