The Australian App for iPad announced: But at what cost?

Doubtlessly, by now you’ve all heard the news of Apple’s latest product: the Apple iPad. And while it may look like an oversized iPhone, considering Apple’s track record the consumer world is bound to go gaga for it.

And as we await the April release of the iPad, many third-party companies are throwing their weight behind the product in the hopes of getting on at the ground floor. According to Gizmodo, News Limited is set to release The Australian newspaper iPad App in May. As one might expect, the news also includes with it the announcement that the App will be “very likely” manifesting in a charged variety, as opposed to the infinitely more pocket-friendly free variety.

While iPad owners and readers of The Australian newspaper will be surely find some use in this App, we’re wondering exactly how much it will cost. The Australian article that the announcement was derived from makes mention of the upcoming Wall Street Journal iPad App that will cost around $19.80AUD per month for users, which could possibly be an expected price point for the iPad App.

If you’re intending on purchasing an iPad, would you be willing to pay in the vicinity of $20 per month to have access to a newspaper App?

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