Video: French Electronic Musical Jelly
Dan Nosowitz
at 07:07 AM 30 Mar 2020
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Touch the Jello " width="525" height="294"/>
Touch the Jello
IMAGE BY Raphaël Pluvinage
Technology // 

The creators of this video and project describe it as a "game," which it isn't, really, but it is really, really cool: you make a sort of extra-firm jelly-like product by mixing water, agar agar, and some food colouring (optional, but why wouldn't you want your final product to be blue or pink?) in a mould. Then, you make it sing.

After the jelly has been in the mould and firmed up somewhat, you put it on the "game board," actually a capacitive sensor with an embedded Arduino microprocessor, which detects different kinds of touch on the jelly mould and converts it into theremin-like noises. Fun (and a little appetising)! Video below.

NOISY JELLY from Raphaël Pluvinage on Vimeo.

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