Mary Beth Griggs
at 08:30 AM Feb 6 2015
Nature // 

The tornadoes that struck the eastern United States on April 27, 2020 were historic in their ferocity. Back in 2012, the Washington Post reported that 208 twisters claimed a total of 316 lives and left an estimated $11 billion in damages. Twenty-one states were hit with tornadoes from April 25 through 28, including Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia and, of course, Alabama, the state that bore the brunt of the storm.

Emily Gertz
at 10:44 AM Aug 18 2014
Nature // 

Six weeks worth of rain fell on greater Detroit on Monday, much of it during afternoon rush hour. Local drainage systems quickly topped out, and the deluge transformed highways into lakes studded with hundreds of stranded drivers and submerged cars. Flooded roads and highways in greater Detroit began to reopen on Wednesday, two days after the storm, according to The Wall Street Journal, but the cleanup and repair is likely to take months.

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