Kate Baggaley
at 10:00 AM Jun 6 2017

The vaccines we have today are pretty incredible. They've eradicated smallpox, purged rubella from the Americas, and save millions of people each year from dying of diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, and measles. When enough people get vaccinated, infectious diseases can't spread easily and everyone benefits from herd immunity.

Theodore Gray
at 11:13 AM Nov 23 2011
Make // 

Oil and water don't mix: it's an old saying, but it's never more true than when you're talking about a pot of hot cooking oil and the moisture condensed on the surface of a frozen turkey. it's pretty incredible the amount of fire that simple combination can create. WARNING! This demonstration will burn your house down - seriously. If you want to fry a turkey, read the fryer's instructions, and do not try to re-create this effect at home under any circumstances.

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