Dan Moren
at 08:26 AM Mar 5 2015
Gadgets // 

If there is one thing that has driven humanity forward in the last several centuries of technological progress, one thing that we've striven for above all others, one thing to which we bring our ingenuity and prowess to bear upon with laser-like focus, it is ordering pizza.

at 10:01 AM Dec 6 2014
Tech // 

Sure, you could order a pizza instantly through your Xbox, or by using hand gestures on an interactive tabletop at the restaurant. But what if you don't know what you want? Well, Pizza Hut wants to help you by reading your subconscious mind, and it's not creepy at all.

Gabe Bergado
at 08:34 AM Mar 6 2014
Science // 

Let's be real. It can be embarrassing to go to a pizza joint, walk up to the cashier, and order an extra large Hawaiian pizza with garlic bread crust and a side of extra spicy buffalo wings. But with Pizza Hut's new digital interactive table that allows pizza lovers to order and customize their masterpieces through touchscreen, we can escape the torment of having to interact with anyone to get our hands on a pizza. Oh, and we don't even have to get up from sitting down.

Emily Gertz
at 03:00 AM Jan 11 2014
Gadgets // 

Pizza Hut says that gamers bought more than$1 million worth of food from the chain last year between April and August,without picking up a phone, leaving the house, or even putting down their consoles. Instead, they ordered custom pizzasusing thePizza Hut app for Xbox 360.

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