at 10:01 AM Dec 6 2014
Tech // 

Sure, you could order a pizza instantly through your Xbox, or by using hand gestures on an interactive tabletop at the restaurant. But what if you don't know what you want? Well, Pizza Hut wants to help you by reading your subconscious mind, and it's not creepy at all.

Lindsey Kratochwill
at 01:00 AM Jul 4 2013
Science // 

Five year olds, Italians and other highly sociable humans use hand gestures almost without thinking - often even while talking on the phone, despite that the person on the other end can't see their wild gesticulations. Research presented today might help shed light on why we talk with our hands. Led by Andrew Bass of Cornell University, the study finds a link between sounds and gestures in an unlikely place: fish brains.

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