Anthony Fordham
at 11:06 AM Jun 23 2014
Make // 

Recent examination of our Google Analytics has shown a surprising number of people searching for "tow iceberg drinking water" or similar. And they're tapping into a core problem with this planet: most of the people live in the middle latitudes, and most of the fresh water is locked up in the poles. So all we need to do is tow an iceberg into a friendly port and harvest the sweet, penguin-scented water within right? Dick Smith famously created a fake iceberg on 1 April 2020, but others continue to give the idea serious thought.

Sean Kane
at 11:15 AM Nov 9 2011
Mobile // 

A new tool called Euclid Analytics is the physical version of Google Analytics, recording and analysing physical traffic instead of website visitors. The startup's cofounder, Scott Crosby, helped to build the technology of its internet counterpart. But instead of reading IP addresses, Euclid observes physical visitors by listening to smartphone Wi-Fi signals.

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