Alexandra Ossola
at 12:26 PM Feb 18 2016

More than 1,600 people worldwide have been infected with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS, and complications from it have resulted in nearly 600 deaths. But in the three years since scientists identified the disease, they haven't been able to discover a way to treat or prevent infection. Now a team of international researchers has used genetically modified cows to create antibodies that combat the disease, which could mean that a vaccine might soon be possible. The research was published today in Science Translational Medicine.

Alissa Zhu
at 07:56 AM Nov 7 2014

Over a million children die each year due to complications of preterm birth, according to the World Health Organization. Developing nations are plagued with high infant mortality rates, where much of the population does not have access to trained doctors or expensive preterm birth care equipment. A new invention named MOM could give premature infants in impoverished areas a fighting chance at life.

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