Record Breaking LEGO Ball Moving Contraption
Lindsay Handmer
at 10:13 AM Sep 19 2014
Record Breaking LEGO Ball Moving Contraption
Brickworld Chicago 2014
Beyond The Brick

You can build a lot of cool stuff with LEGO. It's also really painful to step on. But at Brickworld events, the skills and projects are taken to a whole new level. It might not be super useful to move balls endlessly around a track, but there shear variety and ingenuity of the methods are amazing.

It's no surprise that kids of all ages still play with LEGO, but it's not until you get some enginneering involved that things really get cool. The contraptions are built from a huge number of different custom modules that lift balls, allowing them to roll on to the next section. From simple moving platforms to complex wheels, spinning tunnels and conveyor belts, the balls make their way through the system, only to be deposited back at the start to do it all over again. Filmed by Beyond the Brick, the video below is from Brickworld Chicago, but there are a few options for brick lovers in Australia



And another great video from LEGO lover (and YouTuber), akiyuky


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