Is The Higgs Boson Somewhere Inside Your Smartphone?
Paul Adams
at 09:00 AM 08 Oct 2020
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IMAGE BY Christopher Boddy

As we all know, the Large Hadron Collider has been grievously behind the times technologically. Sure, its giant array of superconducting magnets, kept cool by almost a hundred tons of liquid helium is pretty neat, and the muon spectrometer is no slouch. But the LHC hasn't put it all in a convenient smartphone app -- until now.

With LHSee (see what they did there?), released today by CERN's app specialists, you can investigate the fundamental nature of the universe - the nature of spacetime, the origin of matter - while you wait for the bus. The free Android app lets you watch particle collisions live, as they happen in Geneva, in 2-D or 3-D; to learn about how the LHC and the universe works; and potentially end up being the one to spot the "God particle."

The app is downloadable from the Android Marketplace.


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