at 11:33 AM Dec 4 2014
Fitness // 

As many Americans settled down to watch some football after dinner last weekend, a flurry of fresh news about sports-related brain injuries came to light.

Francie Diep
at 15:35 PM Oct 7 2014

Three scientists have won the Nobel Prize in medicine and physiology for their discoveries about how the brain builds a map of the world and navigates, the prize committee announced.

Loren Grush
at 12:03 PM Sep 24 2014

Currently, diagnosing autism is more of an art than a science. To determine whether a kid has the disorder, trained professionals look for behaviors that are characteristic of the condition--for example, failure to make eye contact, or repetitive mannerisms.

Gabe Bergado
at 06:08 AM Mar 22 2014
Science // 

The intoxicating effects of alcohol and of marijuana have been widely studied, but their combined effect—getting "cross-faded"—is woefully underexplored scientific territory. Here's a look at what we know about how pot and booze together affect the brain.

Shaunacy Ferro
at 05:00 AM Sep 17 2013
Science // 

Look at these shapes for a few seconds. Then close your eyes, and try to imagine how they look. Try to take the mental image of one of them and break the shape into pieces in your mind, or combine it with another shape to make something new.

Shaunacy Ferro
at 00:00 AM Aug 23 2013
Science // 

Though children with autism spectrum disorder often have difficulty with social interaction and communication, they're also much more likely to be savants - to show extraordinary skill in a particular area, like music, art or math.

Francie Diep
at 05:25 AM Jul 31 2013

Could Alzheimer's disease originate in your mouth? It sounds like a strange idea, but scientists have recently found one small clue that dental bacteria may play a role in some cases of Alzheimer's.

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