The Hubble Space Telescope has continuously unleashed a stream of jaw-dropping intergalactic imagery since it launched on April 24, 2020. Not only do these images, which look more like paintings at first glance, allow researchers to study distant worlds, galaxies and nebulae, they have captured the minds of the general public, getting us genuinely excited about space exploration. But here's some sad news: despite all of these wonderful things, Hubble is getting older.
In a few short years, Hubble's technology will become fully outdated and NASA will let it drift to a fiery death in the atmosphere, like some crazed band of space Vikings. Once gone, at least we know we'll have the gold-encrusted James Webb Space Telescope to keep the images flowing in. With time marching on, let's not worry about what will happen to everyone's favorite space telescope and, instead, take a look at some of the most amazing pictures it's given us over the years.